About Me

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Cairns, Queensland, Australia
I am of Melanesian/Polynesian/Asian descent born in Lae, Papua New Guinea at ANGAU Memorial Hospital.

Researching your New Zealand, UK, Canada, US and the European and other countries Military History

To be continued...(last update Wed, 25 April 11)

I have inserted some websites for those of you with New Zealand and the South Pacific and Asia and other country's heritage such as the UK, Canada, USA and Europe, etc.  Hope it helps you with your research otherwise you can Google/Bing (whatever search engine you use) to look for more information.

New Zealand

Veterans Affairs New Zealand

NZ History Online

NZDF-Bibliography of New Zealand Military History

NZ Veterans-National Army Museum

South Pacific and Asia

Brief History of WWII - The Pacific War

South Pacific Theatre Of WWII

World War II Official Army History Asiatic-Pacific Theaters

United Kingdom

Veterans UK

BBC - History WWII

Official files revive WWII history over Hess, Europe

Royal Naval Community Website


Veterans Affairs Canada

United States of America

US Department Of Veterans Affairs

World Ware II - US History

USA: USA History and War Musuems

Native American Indian Heritage Month

Native Americans and World War II

Native American in the US Military

Learn History - USA A Divided Union - Black During WW2

Navy.mil - The Official Website of the United States Navy

Europe and Africa

Brief History Of WWII In Europe

World War Two In Europe - Overview Of World War Two

World War II Official Army History Volumes European, Mediterranean, Middle-East and Africa

German Government Officials In WWII

End Of WW II In Europe

There are more to insert ....

Disclaimer:  I accept no responsibility or liability of any loss to any incorrect or out dated information some of these websites may contain.  The most accurate up to date information at the time known to me is inserted in these pages.  It is the responsibility of the individual to do their own research in their own time.  This is just a guide to assist people in giving them as much information as I possibly can to assist them in learning about their fore fathers and mothers WWII history in the world  My views and opinions and experiences will not exactly reflect other peoples' views and opinions and experiences.

This material is copyright © Wendy J. Seymour 2011 - Exempt the hyperlinks they are from the World Wide Web (WWW)