About Me

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Cairns, Queensland, Australia
I am of Melanesian/Polynesian/Asian descent born in Lae, Papua New Guinea at ANGAU Memorial Hospital.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Additional Information regarding Pregnacy, Parenting and Child Care Support/Advice in Australia

Last update Monday, 12 September 2011 - I am aware that some of the Posts and Pages are a bit out of synch in  the process of correcting it in the near future.  I have to reinsert some the links in here again too and will be inserting more links in here too there is so many to chose from.

Well in July some time I was looking for an address in the Brisbane telephone book and was distracted and when I looked down at the page it had all these lists of contacts you can contact in regards to Pregnancy, Parenting and Child Care.  I was flabbergasted and decided I would share some of the information that I think might come in  handy for some of you.

I have since been adding other websites I have come across in magazines or have googled specific names which led me to some websites I was not aware of eg. Night Nannies hope they come in handy for some of you.  I am also aware some of the websites I have here are not accessible. Eventually I will either delete it or insert their proper link in.  Apologise for the delay.

Children By Choice - Unplanned Pregnancy Counselling

Crisis Pregnancy Counselling

HUGGIES - Your complete online guide to a more relaxed pregnancy

Night Nannies - Welcome to Night Nannies Australia. We offer Babysitters, Nannies & Mothercraft services. Night Nannies is a national Nanny Agency.

We have Babysitters & Nannies in NSW, VIC, QLD & ACT and specialise in Sydney Nannies, Melbourne Nannies and Brisbane Nannies.

Settle Pettle - An online parenting resource offering info and advice for parents of babies and toddlers

PARENTS SUPPORT ONLINE - Parent support online is a not for profit website that runs on encouragement and cups of tea. It was created in 2003 by Elly Taylor, a relationship counsellor and mum of three. Elly writes a regular column for Practical Parenting magazine, creates and runs personal development and parenting courses and has just written her first book: Becoming Us, Loving, Learning and Growing Together, the Essential Relationship Guide for Parents.

Post Abortion Counselling

Feel free to add your comments on your own experiences and share any other website links you might want to share with others if you wish.

Disclaimer:  I accept no responsibility or liability of any loss to any incorrect or out dated information some of these websites may contain.  The most accurate up to date information at the time known to me is inserted in these pages.  It is the responsibility of the individual to do their own research in their own time.  This is just a guide to assist people in giving them as much information as I possibly can to assist them in learning about where to seek help in regards to Pregnancy and Babies and Parenting as I am actually planning on having a baby myself.   My views and opinions and experiences will not exactly reflect other peoples' views and opinions and experiences.
This material is copyright © Wendy J. Seymour 2011 - Exempt the hyperlinks they are from the World Wide Web (WWW)


  1. Hey Chick, I find your links are a bit difficult to read against the background. It is probably my failing sight (too many years of night work) but could you bold them or put them in black or something?? Otherwise, keep going.

  2. Hi Kerrianne, thanks for your Comment I have made some changed what does it look like now to you?


Trial - Your feedback is much appreciated to improve this website.