About Me

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Cairns, Queensland, Australia
I am of Melanesian/Polynesian/Asian descent born in Lae, Papua New Guinea at ANGAU Memorial Hospital.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Entering Some Of My Photos In Competitions and joined a Camera Club

Well I thought I'd share with you some of my photos that I have entered into photo competitions so far.

The following links are from my Picasa Album and it is the first time I have publicly made some of my electronic photos public.  Otherwise any other time I normally share my photos with family and close friends and whomever on a restricted and private settings.  My public photos are copyrighted and is set up where no-one can copy them.

Healing Photos To Sooth The Soul created 18 Dec 2011

Random Coffee Lounges Of Australia 2012/2011 created 17 Oct 2011

Love You Brisbane 2011

Darwin, Northern Territory 2011

In the process of inserting more in here eventually if time permits for 2011 photos.

Once you click on the following links and have access to my Public Albums.  If you want to know more about what type of equipment I used (therefore if it was taken by a mobile handset or the make and type of model of the camera);  you can access it on the right hand side of my album under my profile picture. You will see a title called Photo Information and underneath it underlined in blue is full details page.  Click on the full details page link and it will tell you exactly what time and date the photo was taken, in accordance to the set up of the equipment it was taken from.  One of the things I like about Picasa is I can actually go there and refer to that if I wanted to update information on that particular photo in regards to time and date.  I already know that my equipments have already been set up to a specific time zone and date, prior to me taking the photos.

Photos that have been entered in competitions but have not won anything yet

My Photos Submitted To My New Camera Club For Grading

Holiness FContest Photo Competition Dedication Photos To The Kokoda Campaign WWII PNG

Submissions X 3 Photos APEC Competition 2011

There are others I am in the process of submitting pitting them against the World's Best Professional Photographers, and one of the reasons I am doing this is to get feedback from some of these photographers on tips and ways to improve my photography.   If some of my photos do not win in one competion I will enter them other competitions.  Otherwise it is not a big deal as I am only interested in feedback from professional photographers.  I actually would like to do professional freelance photography on the side one day.

Thanks to Google+ I have also found Professional Photographers who display their photos from all over the world and like minded people who share the same interest contribute their comments and expert opinions which helps.  Some of their photos are absolutely spectacular.  I have added some of them to my Professional Photographer Circles in my Google + account, and some of them have added me in their circle too along with other Google + Acquaintances.

I have since joined Brisbane Camera Group and went to my first meeting a month ago and met one of Australia's Master of Photography (will insert his details in here later on.)  We were also given a lesson on Audiovisual (AV), so looks like I'll get into that in the near future.  I have since been graded as a Grade B photographer (whatever that is.)  I joined a camera group because I do not have time to sit down and read books or websites on photography. It is easier for me to meet professional and other types of photographers face to face and listen to what they have to say and try and retain the information in my head or take notes.  So far it has been very interesting to me and I am still experimenting with my camera.

I know of 2 members in my Seymour family and 1 in the Barwick clan who are very good photographers and have been doing it for years.  I have yet to catch up with them and talk about photography with them.  My oldest cousin Peter was an "old school photographer" he's taken some great photos with those fancy cameras of his (non digital type.)

Feel free to contribute with your comments of your experiences and expert opinions if you wish.

This material is copyright © Wendy J. Seymour 2011

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